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The Guardian Russia Anticipated Kursk Incursion Months In Advance

The Guardian: Russia anticipated Kursk incursion months in advance

Russian military leaders planned incursion into Ukraine in Fall of 2021

Ukrainian intelligence officials have obtained documents that reveal Russia began planning its invasion of Ukraine in the fall of 2021, months earlier than previously believed. The documents, which were obtained by The Guardian, show that Russian military leaders were discussing a full-scale invasion of Ukraine as early as October 2021.

The documents also show that Russian President Vladimir Putin was personally involved in the planning of the invasion. In a meeting with his top military commanders in December 2021, Putin signed off on a plan to invade Ukraine in February 2022.

The revelation that Russia began planning its invasion of Ukraine months in advance contradicts the Kremlin's claims that the invasion was a response to NATO expansion and Ukrainian aggression.

Putin's motivations for invading Ukraine

There are a number of reasons why Putin may have decided to invade Ukraine.

  • To restore Russia's control over Ukraine. Ukraine was once part of the Russian Empire, and Putin has long harbored ambitions to bring Ukraine back into Russia's sphere of influence.
  • To prevent Ukraine from joining NATO. NATO is a military alliance of Western countries, and Putin sees Ukraine's potential membership in NATO as a threat to Russia's security.
  • To punish Ukraine for its pro-Western orientation. Putin has been angered by Ukraine's increasing ties to the West, and he may have seen the invasion as a way to punish Ukraine for its perceived betrayal.

Whatever his motivations, Putin's decision to invade Ukraine has had a devastating impact on the country. The war has killed thousands of people, displaced millions more, and caused widespread destruction.

The international response to the invasion

The international community has condemned Russia's invasion of Ukraine and has imposed sanctions on Russia in an effort to force it to withdraw its troops.

The United States and its allies have also provided Ukraine with military and financial aid to help it defend itself against Russian aggression.

The war in Ukraine is ongoing, and it is unclear how it will end. However, the revelation that Russia began planning its invasion months in advance suggests that Putin is determined to achieve his goals in Ukraine, no matter the cost.
